
Its lightweight design makes the SkyScout easy to take with you wherever you are.

Dave Tytell

It comes as little surprise that Celestron's SkyScout, the unique hand-held device that identifies any naked-eye celestial object centered in its sighting tube, is flying off the shelves this holiday season. In the past few months the device has quickly become one of the most decorated inventions to ever hit the astronomical market. We selected it as a Hot Product for 2007, but we weren't alone. The gadget has earned accolades from the Consumer Electronics Association, National Geographic Adventure, Popular Science, Reader’s Digest, and the New York Times.

“It’s like the Tickle Me Elmo and PlayStation craze but this is for science geeks. The SkyScout is selling for more than double its retail price on eBay because they're hard to come by," says Marketing Director Jon Thralow. "Every SkyScout we get into stock has been sold before we receive it.”

Want to learn more? Read an analysis of the Celestron SkyScout in the November issue of S&T.


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