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Edison Urdaneta

Location of Photo:

Cagua, state Aragua Venezuela (N 10° 11' 24.00" W 67° 27' 36.00").

Date/Time of photo:

Oct 09, 2015 04:54 (09:24 UTC) ── 04:59 (09:29 UTC).


Canon camera bridge (PowerShot SX510 HS).


Moon magnitude -8.37 and illuminated 10.7%. Planets Venus magnitude -4.17 and illuminated 40.5%. Mars magnitude 1.96 and illuminated 96.6%. Jupiter magnitude -1.30 and illuminated 99.7%. Stars (Leo constellation) Regulus magnitude 1.35 and distance 79.30 light years. Gamma Leonis (Algieba) magnitude 2.20 and distance 125.64 light years. (Source: Stellarium). Camera in [MANUAL] mode, shutter speed 1”, F 5.0, ISO 1600 and focal length 15mm. Images processed with RegiStax6 (39 pictures) and retouched with Fitswork4.


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