an illustration of a flaring red dwarf, with a disk of gas and dust containing an earth-like exoplanet.


Red Dwarfs Aren’t So Bad (For Planets) After All

Red dwarf stars appear to flare preferentially at high latitudes, which might keep their exoplanets habitable instead of hellish.

Red dwarf star with exoplanet

Stellar Science

Mini-Flares Might Threaten Life Around Red Dwarf Stars

A new study of data archived from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) spacecraft is revealing just how hard life might be on planets like those in the TRAPPIST-1 system.


Do Atmospheres Spin Worlds to Habitability?

The best place to look for nearby Earth-size planets are around the smallest, coolest stars. New research shows that any exoplanets tightly circling their stars might have a better chance of being habitable than previously thought.


Two Ancient Exoplanets Discovered

Kapteyn’s star — a nearby star that likely formed outside this galaxy — hosts two planets more than twice as old as Earth.


Starry, Starry, Starry Night

Two astronomers report that small, dim red-dwarf stars are far more abundant in elliptical galaxies than thought — so much so that the total number of stars in the universe is likely three times higher than previous estimates.


"Potentially Habitable" Planet Found

Not too hot, not too cold, Gliese 581g orbits in the liquid-water temperature zone of a dim red-dwarf star just 20 light-years away.

Astronomy & Observing News

Life with a Red Dwarf

The commonest stars in the universe aren't very Sun-like — but they could still have life-bearing planets. However, those worlds aren't like anything you've ever seen. Imagine a home world where half of the planet basks in eternal day, the other cloaked in eternal night.