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26 Apr 17 / UTC 3:15


ARIES D-ERF on a 8" Celestron C8 SCT, a 430/10nm G-Band Filter and ASI174 camera


Recently the National Solar Observatory (NSO) celebrated its first improved solar images taken with its new Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) on a 1.8 meter solar telescope -(http://www.nso.edu/node/1511). This new addition of MCAO technology to the multi-million dollar observatory enables it to observe more details on the Sun's surface. NSO explains that this is vital as its understanding of space weather and the effects of the Sun on the Earth increases. On 26Apr 17, using a 430/10nm filter with with a D-ERF on the front end of a 8" Celestron SCT I was able to get some-what similar high resolution G-Band images. You can read about the thoughts of some amateur astronomers as we celebrated this achievement - https://goo.gl/Z2us1y and https://goo.gl/SLqrK9. The camera used as a ASI174. FireCapture was used to record the video and AS!3 and IMPPG were used for lucky imaging post processing.




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