Abell 2199 contains hundreds — maybe even thousands — of galaxies. We have selected 72 particularly prominent members to display in the chart on page 61 of the July, 2009, issue of Sky & Telescope.

You can view data for these galaxies in one of two forms::

  • A tab-separated text file that can be viewed or loaded into Excel
  • A printable PDF file

    Galaxy brightness is expressed as blue magnitude, which runs about one full magnitude fainter than the visual magnitude.

    The data was downloaded from the Principal Galaxy Catalog using a SQL query in HyperLeda. The query was:

      pgc, objname, type,
      bt, al2000, de2000, logd25, logr25, pa, v, hl_names(pgc)
      al2000 > 16.423 and al2000 < 16.534 and de2000 > 38.78 and de2000 < 40.30 and
      objtype = 'G' and bt <= 16.1 and (bt <= 15.7 or objname not like '2MAS%')
    order by al2000

    This selects all galaxies within the desired area that have blue magnitudes of 16.1 or less in general, but 15.7 or less if they were cataloged in PGC from the 2MASS infrared sky survey. The magnitudes reported by 2MASS seem to overstate the galaxies' visibility significantly.

    All of these galaxies have multiple designations — often even several within a single catalog. To confuse matters even more, a pair or triplet of galaxies may receive one number per galaxy in one catalog and a single number for the entire group in another. And there is no consensus on the correspondence between catalogs and which of a galaxy's multiple names should be used.

    We used the PGC designation unless HyperLeda gave the galaxy a designation in the NGC (New General Catalogue) or UGC (Uppsala Galaxy Catalog). We also identified PGC 58245, 58299, and 58262 as NGC 6166A, 6166B, and 6166D, respectively. These identifications are not shown by HyperLeda, but they're widely used, including by NED, the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. HyperLeda does have an entry for NGC 6166B, but it seems to be spurious — essentially a duplicate of NGC 6166 — so we ignored it.

    Note also that in her article of August, 2007, page 54, Sue French refers to PGC 58277 as KUG 1627+395. This is one of many alternate designations for this galaxy that we do not list in our table because of space limitations.

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