Look here for all you need to know to go above and beyond (our galaxy) to find some extraordinary extragalactic globular clusters!

The globular cluster NGC 121 shimmers in the southern constellation of Tucana (The Toucan).
ESA / Hubble / NASA / Stefano Campani

Off to hunt extragalactic globular clusters? Below you'll find an abundance of resources compiled by Contributing Editor Steve Gottlieb to help you plan and execute your observing sessions. We included an abbreviated data table with Gottlieb's article on extragalatic globular clusters that ran in the November 2018 issue of Sky & Telescope. Here you'll find a more exhaustive table; it includes a listing of all Local Group galaxies that contain globulars. The table is also available for download  as an Excel file. For those of you who are feeling truly inspired, consider downloading Gottlieb's data on 75 brightest globulars in M31 as well.

Census of Local Group Globular Clusters
Galaxy Type # GC  Globular Cluster Mag(v) RA Dec. Note
Milky Way SBbc 160 NGC 5139 3.7 13 26.8 -47 29 G
M31 Sb >500 G1 13.8 00 32.8 +39 35 A
PAndAS-53/54 15.5 01 18.0 +39 15
Martin-GC1 15.5 00 50.7 +32 55
M33 Scd ~50 U49 16.3 01 33.8 +30 48 A
LMC Irr 15 NGC 1835 10.2 05 05.1 -69 24 G
NGC 1916 10.4 05 18.6 -69 24
Reticulum 14.7 04 36.2 -58 51
M110 (NGC 205) dE 11 G73 14.9 00 40.9 +41 41 A
NGC 147 dE 10 Hodge III 16.8 00 33.3 +48 27 A
NGC 185 dE 8 Hodge V 16.7 00 39.2 +48 23 A
NGC 6822 dIrr 8 SC 7 14.8 19 46.0 -14 33 L
Hubble VII 16.3 19 44.9 -14 49
SC 6 15.4 19 45.6 -14 41
Fornax Dwarf dSph 5 NGC 1049 12.6 02 39.8 -34 15 G
Fornax-2 14.1 02 38.7 -34 49
Fornax-4 13.6 02 40.1 -34 32
Fornax-5 13.6 02 42.4 -34 06
Sgr Dwarf dSph 4 M54 7.7 18 55.1 -30 29 G
SMC dIrr 1 NGC 121 11.2 00 26.8 -71 32 G
WLM dIrr 1 WLM-1 16.1 00 01.9 -15 27 G
GCs in  Nov 2018 S&T article are in bold
First row of each galaxy displays its brightest globular
Code for Note column
G = Milky Way satellite
A = M31 satellite
L = isolated member of the Local Group

Web Pages

Steve Gottlieb's personal website contains a wealth of observing data. Be sure and check it out! You'll find the following pages particular relevant to globular clusters:

Professional Literature

Find here a collection of research papers and databases availabe online and used by Gottlieb while writing about extragalactic globulars.


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