G2 en route to black hole

The Black Hole Files with Camille Carlisle

More Mystery Objects in the Galactic Center

Astronomers have discovered three more red, dusty objects near the Milky Way’s central black hole that could be merged stars.

Milky Way Center in X-rays

Black Holes

Is the Milky Way's Black Hole Feeding?

The answer is a tantalizing maybe. Astronomers are investigating whether an increase in the number of flares from Sgr A* are due to the recent close passage of a dusty object known as G2.

G2 approaches Sgr A*

Black Holes

G2 Survives Black Hole Pass

The gaseous object G2 has survived its swing around the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole, but the questions of what it is and where it comes from remain unanswered.

Black Holes

Snack Starts Swinging Around Black Hole

Astronomers around the world are watching as the gaseous object called G2 heads for a close pass around the Milky Way's central supermassive black hole. Now it looks like the distended cloud is starting to swing back toward us.