10 ' The Size of an Asteroid 20 ' 30 RD=180/3.14159: ' Radians to degrees 40 INPUT "Apparent visual magnitude, V";V 50 INPUT "Distance from Sun (au) ";R0 60 INPUT "Distance from Earth (au) ";D0 70 INPUT "Earth-Sun distance (au) ";R 80 PRINT "Asteroid type --" 90 INPUT " C, S, or O(ther)";T$ 100 IF T$="c" OR T$="C" THEN P=.037 110 IF T$="s" OR T$="S" THEN P=.14 120 IF T$="o" OR T$="O" THEN INPUT "What is the albedo";P 130 IF P>1 OR P<=0 THEN 120 140 PRINT "Now enter the photometric slope" 142 PRINT "parameter (G), or if unknown" 143 INPUT "enter 0.15. Value of G ";G 150 PRINT 160 CI=(R0^2+D0^2-R^2)/(2*R0*D0) 170 F=ATN(SQR(1-CI*CI)/CI) 180 IF CI<0 THEN F=F+3.14159 190 ' F = solar phase angle in radians 200 PRINT USING "Solar phase angle, phi: ###.#";F*RD 210 P1=EXP(-3.33*(TAN(F/2))^.63) 220 P2=EXP(-1.87*(TAN(F/2))^1.22) 230 H=V-5*LOG(D0*R0)/LOG(10)+2.5*LOG((1-G)*P1+G*P2)/LOG(10) 240 PRINT USING "Absolute mag (H): ###.#";H 250 LD=3.12-.2*H-.5*LOG(P)/LOG(10) 260 D=10^LD 270 PRINT USING "Diameter (km): ####.#";D 280 END 290 ' 300 ' Basil Rowe's program calculates the size of an asteroid from 310 ' its apparent brightness and an assumption about its reflectivity 320 ' (albedo). The calculation is explained on page 83 of the 330 ' June 1993 issue of Sky & Telescope. Carbonaceous asteroids 340 ' have albedos of about 0.04, while S-type (stony) asteroids 350 ' reflect about 0.14 of the light.